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Exterior Paint and Colors

It was tricky to pick colors for this house, as it has many different textures and components that needed to go together, not clash.  I wanted to give the house a sort of contemporary NW feeling that highlighted the posts and beams on the outside. I did a little photoshop work, and posted a couple of schemes for people to express opinion about, and opinion split right down the middle. At the same time, the neighborhood was giving me all kinds of good feedback on the primer colors, which were light grey and yellow.



Before deciding on the final color scheme, I focused on the clear wood posts, beams, and soffits. These I did by hand with a coat of Permachink stain, and two coats of clear. That was hard enough that I got some help for the rest of the paint job (interior ceiling, exterior) from a great local painting company, called Penguin Painting.

Cameron and company could not have done a better job. I finally went with a bit darker color scheme than the photoshop, and the primer, and this took a while for me and some neighbors to get used to, but now I am quite happy with it.